Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.
I think this one has me tagged pretty well... can't dispute it at all.
We are feeling better here, and we all made it back to school just in time for Friday to arrive. I must say, it's certainly nice to go back to work after being gone so much to still feel the love from those kiddos as well as my coworkers. I hope I can manage to have enough energy to do this for a long, long time. Next week will be interesting....we are starting the Terra Nova testing in the second grade so most of my mornings are going to be sitting in a little yellow room with my one on one guy who isn't one of my biggest fans. He's going to blow his stack when he sees this test. It's not so much that it's a difficult test, but I can't even help him ~ he has to read it and do it all himself, I'm just there to answer specific questions about directions. This is one child who has perplexed me from day one. I won't/can't go into specifics, but he is having a difficult time with behavior, obviously stemming from his learning difficulties. This is the age when they really start to see how different they are when they are struggling to keep up and understand what all their peers are so able to understand. It's frustrating to him, which is in turn taken out on me. I find it hard to not take it personally. He's my bud.
Well, I'm going to make this short tonight. Hope all of you are well and enjoying this beautiful early spring weather! If you are with me here in New England...
It's a beauty!