Friday, March 31, 2006

Who ME?

You Are 56% Open Minded You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.
Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.


I think this one has me tagged pretty well... can't dispute it at all.

We are feeling better here, and we all made it back to school just in time for Friday to arrive.  I must say, it's certainly nice to go back to work after being gone so much to still feel the love from those kiddos as well as my coworkers.  I hope I can manage to have enough energy to do this for a long, long time.  Next week will be interesting....we are starting the Terra Nova testing in the second grade so most of my mornings are going to be sitting in a little yellow room with my one on one guy who isn't one of my biggest fans.  He's going to blow his stack when he sees this test.  It's not so much that it's a difficult test, but I can't even help him ~ he has to read it and do it all himself, I'm just there to answer specific questions about directions.  This is one child who has perplexed me from day one.  I won't/can't go into specifics, but he is having a difficult time with behavior, obviously stemming from his learning difficulties.  This is the age when they really start to see how different they are when they are struggling to keep up and understand what all their peers are so able to understand.  It's frustrating to him, which is in turn taken out on me.  I find it hard to not take it personally.  He's my bud.

Well, I'm going to make this short tonight.  Hope all of you are well and enjoying this beautiful early spring weather!  If you are with me here in New England...


                                                It's a beauty!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Thirteen SOMETHING....((sniff))


Yep, the bug has arrived...or rather, it never went away.  I was home 2 days last week with Amanda, now it's Mailee's turn.  She has the fever, cough, sore throat flu thing that is going around like mad at school.  Oh yeah, and me.... I'm just fighting it off!  Thank goodness I work in a place that is so understanding of these kinds of issues.  They certainly don't want sick kids in class.  Minh can't stay home.  He's never able to stay home.  I wouldn't even dream of asking.  Miss the kiddos, but I plan to go back tomorrow if Mai's fever is down today.

Okay, so Charley gave me something else to do, for which I am very grateful because I just haven't had it in me lately to be original.  I need to get out in the sun...


                      Thursday Thirteen...

post an entry with a list of thirteen something.  It can be anything.  So, here's mine:


1.  Lying on the beach, any tropical beach would do, reading the novel I am currently working on "Plain Truth" (jodi picoult, of course)

2.  Fishing

3.  Boating

4.  Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon...okay, maybe not the edge.  Back just a ways.

5.  New York City.  I've never been.

6.  At a Broadway show

7.  Wildwoods, NJ (again, the many dolphins there!)

8.  Vacationing, anywhere with my family

9.  In a theater watching a good movie

10. Watching a country music festival with all my favorite CM singers!

11. Visiting Lynn in Texas   

12. Visiting Kathy in Montana

13. At an amusement park                     


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Charley over at Courage posted this Wedsnesday Reflection:
We are so vain that we even care for the opinion of those we don't care for.
Marie Ebner von Eschenbach

What he would like is for anyone who wishes to, to post and entry in their journal about the reflection.  Then please visit Charley and leave a link to your reflection in his comments. Here are my thoughts:


Had I read this qoute, oh, say, a good 20 years ago, I would have proudly exclaimed, "BULL#$%"  and gone on my merry way.  Well, actually,  I probably wouldn't have gone so merrily.  As teenagers went, I was not the sweetest.  I was rather foul, as a matter of fact, from age 13 to about age 17.  I loved to spike my hair, wear crazy clothes, smoke and swear, and pretty much saw everyone who didn't appreciate my individuality as total stuck ups.  I loved that others thought I was possessed.  I couldn't have cared LESS what ANYONE thought of me... "DAD!" I'd say, "who CARES if no one will ever hire me for a job?!  If they don't like me because of the way look, screw 'um!"   

WELL, then I grew up of course...that was a very dark period in my life and I went through some difficult teen years as Punk MEESHELL.  I brought a lot of it on myself, but I think deep down I did care.  Not as much as I do NOW of course.  Now that I have children and I work at my very own elementary school.  I certainly care how people view me.  And my children.  And my husband.  There's part of me that wants to whisper screw you sometimes, but I have a family to think of.  I am SO opposite of the way I was, it's not funny... when I tell my girls not to make eye contact with the punks that hang out at the park in their black clothes and multiple body piercings, I think, omg... that was me!  Scary...

Thanks, Charley.  I needed that!

Saturday, March 25, 2006






That Tiger of mine is best of friends with Murphy the goldfish.  She wouldn't dream of drinking from her own bowl, it's not "fishy" enough..... yuck.

Just taking a break from watching a real "grown up" film to post.  My girls were both out tonight.  One is home now, and happily watching Disney channel, so my movie is postponed until later.  It's quite good.  North Country is about women miners in 1989, when there was a male/female ratio of about 35 to 1.  One woman is sexually harrassed terribly as are the others, but no one will go against the men harrassing them except this one woman, who gets nailed big time for it.  It's based on a true story, and is well worth seeing.  I can't imagine facing this concept....working in a school where there is only 5 male employees (including the custodians), I find my workplace very comfortable and the few men are treated with as much respect as any staff member.  We are gaining a new principal next year, a man, and we are all looking forward to having him.  He is currently the American Embassy School principal in India, and has been an American Embassy principal for two decades.  It will be very exciting and interesting to see where he will lead our school.  One thing I am sure of.  It is a wonderful place to work, male or female, and I want very little, if any, change.

Being half of an interracial marriage has taught me many things.   About differences and how the human race views our differences.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I could never begin to understand how others feel when they are treated badly because they are different, for whatever reason.... I have never been in a minorities shoes when they are treated unfairly or misjudged.  I have never felt what it's like to be stared at because I have a disability, even though I am learning how difficult it CAN be, from working with children who have disabilities and witnessing it first hand. The closest I can come to that is being in Chinatown with my family, and I am one of the only caucasian woman, and I have biracial children.  Sometimes I get the stares, or WE get them, because we are different.  I often wonder what they are thinking.  Most of the time, all the comments we recieve are non-racial, with compliments on how beautiful our girls are, or how well behaved.  This was, of course, before they grew and became firecats, but anyway....moving on.  Other times, I can almost read their minds by the looks on their faces.  Like, "OH look at her....who does she think she is?" or "look at those children!  How do they know what they are??"  Then I get steamed up inside.... but I let it go.  I let it go because I know that we are teaching our girls to know WHO they are, which is the most important thing.  That it's okay to mark both circles on the forms that ask their race, even though it says mark just one.  That we are many of us full of differences.  Different nationalities, with ancestors from different places.  I may be white, but I am part Irish/Scottish, and french/Indian!  That celebrating holidays from more than one culture is a thrill to share with family and teach friends.  Even teachers!!  That WHO we are matters most, and HOW we are, and HOW we live is what we take with us always...  That everyone deserves to be treated with respect, despite our differences or sex.  Whether it's our skin color, hair color, ability or non ability, height, weight, looks, fur...  Or scales.  We are one under God. 

In the grand scheme of things ~ we are simply a box of crayons.  Let's celebrate!


                      IF ONLY IT WAS THAT EASY!!!




Thursday, March 23, 2006

                                    You Are Jan Brady Brainy and a little introverted, you tend to think life is a lot worse than it actually is.
And while you may think you're a little goofy looking, most people consider you to be a major babe.

                                          Which BRADY are YOU?


            All true, minus the brainy babe bit...

"They" understand me so well.  Things appearing so bad all the time, ya know?  Drama queen ~ Moi? Oh, yeah!

I haven't been posting for a while.  I've been thinking about why I have been shying away, spending much of my online sneak away moments surfing and IMing with my mom.  Haven't come up with much, I'm afraid.  I guess I just needed some time away.  Knowing I should focus on what's important to me a lot more than I have been lately, I've been trying to make an effort to stay positive.  Searching for signs of spring, and actually finding them is uplifting.  Feeling blah just isn't cutting it.  Life is WAY too short.  

Well, on to life here... Amanda has been home sick for 3 days.  Developed a stomach bug Monday night and has had an upset stomach ever since.  Just in time for Growth and Development class!  She was clever!  But oh, I am all the more clever!  I borrowed the video from the school nurse!!  We watched it together and now I'm afraid she is never going to want to go back.... I'm so torn between pushing her to move around and try to do things (not sure what this stomach thing is really about) and letting her stay home on the couch, missing much of her daily work.  I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Mailee...what to do with that girl.  She is SO damned stubborn and intense sometimes.  She can be very rude to me and hurtful.  She yells at me on a daily basis.  Yet, in the next moment be such an angel.  I love her to pieces, and want her to be kind and caring, but even her teacher notices a change and she is "following" a trio of, um, let's just say "challenging" girls.  But last night, OMG!  She had her 3rd grade chorus concert at school.  She was supposed to sing this very difficult song with two other girls who just happened to be sick.  When they were called up to the mic to sing, I didn't think she would, but she got up and walked alone to the stage, took hold of that mic, told her music teacher that she wanted to do it, and blew the house down!!  I'm serious!  I was so proud, and she was so proud of herself... another teacher was there that is not in her room and this teacher told her to sing for the rest of her life because she has a voice from heaven....  

I can't believe this school year is almost over.  Although it started out a bit challenging, I have grown to feel that it has been the best year that I have had since becoming a one on one para.  I love all the kids and I will be quite sad when they school year comes to a close.  I know I will be losing my little kinder sweetie, as she will be moving across town. She has come so far.  She knows almost all her colors now, is starting to read one sentence pattern books and is making J for her name!  These accomplishments are huge for her!  She is also much more social and loves school so much.  I will miss her TERRIBLY! 

Both of my girls will be moving up to new schools next year, as well.  One to upper elementary, and one to (UGH) Jr. High.  I must confess...I am NOT ready for this teenage thing.  If they are even remotely like me, I'm in big, big trouble.  I have faith, though, that when it's all said and done, my girls and I will be just as close as my mom and I are.  Well, at least there's a hope. 

HAPPY SPRING!!          (O:



Saturday, March 11, 2006

Panda Cam

If you love animals, you must check out these webcams from the National Zoo.  I have been watching the panda and naked mole rats!  Also the Amazon River cam, where you can view fish swimming around.  Okay, so I'm easy to please.  I'm a sap when it comes to animals.  If this panda didn't look so happy, I'd be ugly about it's captivity.  He as pleased as a pig in doo doo.  I hope the link works for you.

What a glorious prespring day.  The sun on my face, the grills aroma throughout the neighborhood... kids playing everywhere... I knew I was looking forward to something.



Friday, March 10, 2006

Thank you

Thank you so much for the heartfelt words, prayers and thoughts.  It really meant a lot to me, coming home after some very hard days to read your comments.... I'm so very grateful for friends and family and the closeness shared during hard times and happy times as well.  My nana had cried to us so many times to go home. are finally home.  I love you. 

Keeping it simple tonight.

love you all! 

Tuesday, March 7, 2006





   Summer 2005                         Nana blowing a kiss

 Nana's most favorite place to go was York, Maine.  She and my mom vacationed there together many summers until nana was diagnosed with ALS.  She loved lighthouses, walks on the beach and wearing her bikini !

 I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and forever weep

I am not there, I do not sleep

I am a thousand winds that blow

I am the diamond glints on snow

I am the sunlight on ripened grain

I am the gentle autumn's rain

When you awaken in the morning's hush

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight

I am the soft stars that shine at night

Do not stand at my grave and forever cry

I am not there.  I did not die.

Melinda Sue Pacho


Our last visit...New Year's '06

Gramps, Mailee, Dad, Mom

Amanda and our Nana 

Friday, March 3, 2006


According to our experts, your personality type is :
World Leader
Ink Blot Personality Test Other people like you display these traits.
  • They like jelly filled doughnuts
  • They are geeks
  • They eat snails
  • They smell like cucumbers
  • Take the Ink Blot Personality Quiz at


    WELL, YEAH!  A bit of psycho-humor on a boring Friday night at home.  Wishing you all a great weekend with those you love!    <3 Michelle