Saturday, April 16, 2005

Well, hello!  It's been a while.  I guess that big interview wore me out!!  I have decided to get brave and post a picture of my girls.  I am still a little skitish about this.  I figure all of you smart people out there (that means YOU) are doing it, so it must be ok.  This was taken....well maybe around February because A is wearing her sweatshirt she got for her 11th birthday in January.  They are my everything.  I want so much to be healthier and in better shape to keep up with them!!  We went to the playground today and there was one of those dreaded merry go round things.  The one where you run and push it then hop on and hold on for dear life....Well, they were on it and this big dad came and pushed them very fast.  M was losing her footing when all of a sudden she was holding on and her legs were out to THERE like a kite in the wind.  I stood up and off she flew.  WHAM! on the ground.  My damn heart was lodged in my throat.  I ran to her and she jumped up and walked away a minute.  She HATES having people looking or paying extra attention to her (unless she is looking for it...)She said "IM OK!" and jumped back on the stupid thing.  ERRR!  Shortly after that though she came over to me and sat against me and quietly said she wanted to go home.  So, here we are all safe and sound.  Thank GOD!  I thought for sure she broke her back the way she fell....

Well, we did it...we finally have confirmed everything for Disney.  Flights, hotel, tickets all that.  I can't believe it.  I won't until we are there.  I'm really quite nervous.  I'm a bit fanatical about this sort of thing.  I worry about all the little details.  I'm sure once we are there I will be fine.  We got a pretty good deal overall, so this is good.

I guess that's it for now.  Maybe I'll have time to add more tomorrow.  It's been such a beautiful weekend!  I love spring!!! (that much closer to summer vacation!! Don't get me wrong I love my job,  but I love summers with my girls even more!!!)

                                       GOOD NIGHT!!


Anonymous said...

I fell off a merry go round on the playground at school exactly that way in the fourth grade! I still remember how frightened I was knowing I was going to fly off of there at any moment. Finally I did and was a bit disoriented, but ok. Poor M!
I am looking forward to summer vacation too!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful girls!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, those girls are beautiful! You should be so proud as I can tell you are! Boy, do I relate to you in so many ways. I never see my hubby either. I guess he makes us a good living though. Sometimes you feel like a single parent. I read all your entries and you seem like a very sweet and intelligent person. I admire what you do for a living too. That takes a very special person to work with special children. I just wanted you to know that I got your link and put you on my "alerts". I will be back to read more!

Anonymous said...

Your girls are GORGEOUS! And smart too which is even better!

Anonymous said...

Your daughters are beautiful!!! I've posted pictures of my little darlings, so hopefully we aren't crazed for doing so. I figure I never give out my last name for one, people know I live in Idaho and thats about it. Except that article I just posted sort of gives away my general area in Idaho. I'm glad your daughter was alright! But just think, you have a great story to retell.
Your off to Disney Land, you lucky gal......I'm jealous. Have a great time and don't worry about the tiny details, it always works out in the end.