Friday, July 8, 2005

Just Thinking About It....

I have been struggling with my weight since I was about 10 years don't sign off here!  I don't plan on turning this into a weight loss blog or anything!  I have never really taken dieting seriously, which is a problem, since "ahem" I have gained quite a bit in the last few years.  After high school I lost about 40 lbs and was in my 130's, feeling good after so many years of being disgusted with myself.  Then, well I got married (to a cook, mind you), had 2 beautiful children( I LOVED being fat and pregnant), stopped smoking and stayed home with my babies for about 6 years...yikes!  Well, I am ashamed to say what I got up to, but I am now at a place where I feel a little better and if I tried, I could really lose the weight.  I have a stubborn low functioning thyroid that gets in the way.  But hey!  NO EXCUSES HERE!!  I have recently been researching the Atkins' Diet.  I have heard good and bad, but honestly, most of it sounds good.  If I do it right, the loss would be pretty quick.  I am an emotional eater ~ a whole other entry is needed for that one ~ so I wouldn't have to go without much!  I don't know.  It says no caffeine.  That would be the hardest.  If any of you out there has had good luck with this, please let me know.  It makes sense that if you cut the carbs, the body burns more fat.  I bought the book today for $.25 at our local library, so I'm reading it to really find out if this will work for me.  I used to think it sounded gross, but I know so many people that it has worked for....hmmm...

Anyway, tomorrow we go pick up my daughter from camp!  YEH!  The picture I have added to this entry is of the White Mountains where she is.  This was taken at a picnic area about 20 mins. away.  I have missed her so much this week!  We recieved two letters stating that she is having a blast, so I am excited to hear all the stories.  When we got to the top of the mountain in the van a councelor walked up and said to the driver, "We have a bear." I was a little concerned, but I'm sure they were fine.  OH I CAN'T WAIT TO GET HER!  Ok, I'm ok.  Really, though.  She wrote that she wished that I could experience what she was experiencing.  I know how much she loves it.  I truly am thrilled for her.  No, truly I am!  :o)

Well, I must be on to other things... hope you are all well out there!  Goodnight!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The White Mountains?   Hey.....not so far from me.  : )   I have some fav spots up there for sure.  It's beautifu.  What a great place to go for camp, betting your daughter had a great time!

I hear ya on the weight loss thang...(I had half my thyroid removed).  My hubby & I did Atkins two years ago....I lost 23 lbs, he lost over 60 in about 4 months.   I had to stop because apparently my body didn't like the "no carb" thing and I began having heart palpitations.  Have been trying WW since March, lost 17.5 lbs, but have plateau'd.  Not the programs fault, have just lost my drive....  Taking a break and will get back to work at the end of summer.