Saturday, August 27, 2005


There's a new place in Jland to sit back, put up your feet and get your creative juices flowing.  It was created by two clever journalers to bring together anyone who wishes to share their originality with others...and that's why we're all here, right?  The place to go is Poetry Dance.  The time to do it is now!

Writer's are asked to start with a Bio-Poem.  Here's mine.



Hopeful...yet fearful

of unknowns and knowns

Daughter of the sea

And sky she was shown

That singing with angels

While playing with winds

May somehow be wishing 

to wash away sins...

She's a lover of stars

Water and dreams

Yet fears her own failures

and what those dreams mean

She needs to be needed,

Loved and held dear

She gave to her own

Her flesh, blood and tears

She would like to feel peace

In her heart and her mind

Home her soul searches for

Until it's her time







Anonymous said...

I had so much fun doing mine, but reading others is better.  Yours is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

That was such a beautiful peek into your world and what makes you YOU. Thank you for sharing with us such beautiful words and more importantly, sharing the inner you!

Anonymous said...

I loved your bio-poem Michelle :)  The imagry was very nice...  something like I would do.  I am a huge fan of the sea, the wind...and so many of the things you mentioned.  It was very nice reading your stuff.  :)  Thanks for dropping by and joinging in our dance!

Anonymous said...

I am have having so much fun reading others biopoems.. Yours was excellent.  This a great way to learn more about others and find new journals and friends... Your poetry skills are much more creative than mine... but it is all fun and different.  I can't wait to see what else is in store for the Poetry Dance Journal.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's truly beautiful....  
                           Thanks for sharing....

I write poetry too, but it's been awhile since I've written or shared....  : )

Anonymous said...

Interesting how you spoke of yourself in third person!  I hope all your dreams come true!
Renee' at

Anonymous said...

Wow! You did a wonderful job on this! I am liking this poetry dance thing.  It is introducing me to some fun journalers! :)
