Sunday, August 14, 2005

Thankful once again...

Remember when I said I was worried that something bad would bestow us because I was taking for granted all our blessings?  Well, it was far from tragic, but things could have gotten worse....

Last night, while I was adding my "fishing" entry, Amanda, who has suffered from extreme allergies for years, was starting to develop an annoying cough.  She was online for awhile and it seemed to get worse and worse, making it almost impossible for her to take a breath.  I was becoming more and more worried.  It had never gotten so bad so quickly.  I made her get off the computer ~ which was impossible for her to even use, she was coughing so nonstop ~ and I put my ear to her back...her weasing was so awful!!  I was very worried now, and decided that once Mr B. came home to stay with Mailee, I would take Amanda to the ER.

We got home at 4:30AM.

But at least we got home, and she was going to be okay.

She was having an Asthma attack....they said that if I hadn't brought her in, she could have been in a lot of danger.  They had her breathe through a Nebulizer for about 10 minutes, which helped tremendously.  They did a chest xray, and it was alright, but showed typical signs of asthma.  Checked her oxygen levels, etc...finally she was able to breathe well again and the cough got significantly better.  They gave her a new prescription for a stronger inhaler containing steroid and a spacer to inhale the medicine.  She has to do this everyday, whether she is weasy or not, along with her allergy pills and nose spray...gosh, I hate having her take so much medicine.  But, if it's going to help...

I know there are families that are dealing with much more serious health issues.  This is reminding me, once again, how lucky we are.  I am "BAM"ed into shape, Lord.  Thank you...AGAIN!



Anonymous said...

Wow! How frightening that must have been for you! I am glad everything is much better now.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear that your daughter is alright.  Always trust those Mom instincts.  ....You are blessed

Anonymous said...

ok first.....Rebecca is doing a HAPPY DANCE. I found your ^(*)#^& journal. Ok, calming down. I can't explain to you why I've had such a bear of a time finding this, but I have. So now I've hit alert me as entries are posted, no more losing this, saved into my favs and now I'm all good :o)
Next, wow, that must have been scary! I hope she's feeling much better today. I can't imagine how that feels for someone, both the attackee and a Mom! Take good care and I hope the extra meds help her.
Rebecca~~MIA for journal difficulties

Anonymous said...

Glad Amanda is feeling better.   I dealt with Ex who had asthma and KNOW that there is no worse feeling than NOT being able to help someone breathe!!!   It's terrifying at times.

I am not sure HOW we connected, but maybe we were MEANT to connect somehow..  I am sure that I am "led" to journals that inspire, make me laugh, or just generally lead me to people who care.  Whatever the reason....HERE I AM !!


Anonymous said...

I really feel for families dealing with Asthma.  That has to be the scariest thing not being able to breathe.. Some children outgrow it when they get older, so we can hope for that. I am glad the ER was able to treat her, and there is medication she can take for now.