Friday, September 23, 2005

Para Woes

I really haven't written an entry of personal content for a while...once school starts my screen name kicks in and life is once again spinning!  I'm back to work, the girls are working hard and busy after school with activities, friends and homework.  I'm also teaching Sunday school and all those youth activities have started as well.  This on top of the normal day to day laundry, cooking, housecleaning.....well you know.  It's all fun for me, but by the time I am allowed to relax, I generally fall into a deep slumber....             

My school year has started out, well, pretty different in the classrooms that I am working in.  There are the same challenges of course, and some different.  It's not so much the challenges with the students I am assigned to, this kind of challenge I am quite accustomed to.  It can be difficult to know sometimes what is expected of me by the classroom teacher.  I have a child in kindergarten with mild retardation and Downs Syndrome and really she is like a 3 year old.  I have fallen head over heels for her and thoroughly enjoy working with her, but I've been told to back off.  That she needs to do more for herself.  Actually, I thought I was doing this, but apparently her case manager, has said I'm letting her depend on me too much.  First of all, kindergarten started only 2 weeks ago, and I have never worked with this little cutie and I haven't a clue as to what she is like, nor was I given one.  Also, her case manager has only been in one time for about 10 minutes, so she certainly isn't getting the big picture.  Today during our class greeting song, the kids had to stand and get in line as we sung and even though I was sitting next to her, the teacher skipped right over me so I wouldn't be next to her in the line as we sang.  She put me at the end.  All the kids of course noticed and shouted out, "What about Mrs. B?"  She just kept right on singing...

My morning kids don't even want my help....

I guess it was a crappy day.  I'm glad to be home.

Wow...I'm really going on and on rambling.  There's so many more incidents, but I really must stop.  I'm just going to go on doing what I think is right.  I had a phone message from our music teacher the other night thanking me for being with the kids in music and that I'm wonderful, so I'll just keep replaying that message over and over again until I feel better.



Anonymous said...

You DO that, hon. Focusing on the SUNNY parts of our days, the good parts, keeps us afloat.
Hugs, love and prayers

Anonymous said...

You cannot focus on the negative when in the classroom. As an ex-teacher I tell you that from experience. You must find the good that day and carry it with you, every day!
Peace and love,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my journal with words of encouragement.  I APPRECIATE it more than words can say.   Teaching has always been my dream, and I put my dream on hold the last 20 years when my first child was born almost 21 years ago.  Several attempts and a class taken here and there just proved to be futile.  

I was expecting to go back at age 42 and spend the next 2 years full swing trying to become, ironically, what YOU are. .....a special ed teacher.   I KNOW I am not getting any younger and now with a new baby in the mix, I just feel....well....DEFLATED !

Your comment did cheer me up though...THANK YOU.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure your doing a wonderful job for the little one. A case manager, your right, only got a glimpse! Being back to work myself since school started I understand how things go a big wild, busy and crazy for awhile. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Each year with new students it is a time of adjustment and learning. It takes awhile to get a grasp on each student and their personalities. As you learn what the childs needs you can make the necessary adjustments in what you do for them. I don't see how a case worker can make a decision like that on one visit.  Hang in there and you will find a balance where you can still show your love, compassion and caring yet stay within the guidelines/approval of the teachers and caseworker.  Don't let them steal the joy and love you have for working with this child.