Last night, right before bed, Amanda and Mailee decided they wanted to do Christmas pictures. Nothing like last minute!! I did some of them together and some alone, it was a bit stressful, trying to get them done at such a late hour in the day, but we did it, nevertheless... I printed some out this morning and sent some Christmas cards out. Like I said, nothing like last minute.
Jane passed away early yesterday morning... We knew it was going to happen, but it's still such a shock. It's so hard to believe when someone leaves us, that they are just gone. Thanks Cyndy for the wonderful mail. It was a nice reminder of what awaits us. I believe.
I am now feeling somewhat less holiday stress, having everything just about done. I really was upset with myself for waiting for the last minute, but it was really fine. The girls will be pleasantly surprised. So will I, apparently. There was a huge wrapped package for me under the tree this morning that Amanda had pushed up the stairs from her room. I was surprised because Ming and I do not usually buy for each other. It's always about the kids. Then we get presents at my parents house later on Christmas morning. So now, I'm all giddy with excitement, just like a kid.
We have a usually traditions. There's the pageant, which was beautiful. We go to Christmas Eve service, and Amanda will be singing again and playing the Bells. Then we will go to mom and dad's for dinner. Always oyster stew! I look forward to mom's oyster stew ALL year! She does everything, really. Chicken wings, meatballs, mini franks!! When we go back Christmas morning, mom has a breakfast dish she makes every year, and this year we are going to just stay there all day until dinner, which is always ham. All we are bringing for food is pie and bread.. Mom enjoys doing this, but she has so many other things going on. Jane passing away, Nana dealing with Alzheimer's in the nursing home and her anger with the family for not bringing her home, my grandpa's sadness, other issues even closer to home... I wish we had the means to have everything and everyone here... maybe someday ~
You have a lot on your plate, so does your mom. It's tough for so many this year. We have had our own share of upsetting things, but the Lord, as always, enabled me to keep on focus. LOVE the pics of the kids. They are so gorgeous.
Have a Merry Christmas, dear one.
Love you
First I must say, your girls are BEAUTIFUL. Wow Mom <your toast> just you know, hide them from the world during the teen years <he he your toast>
I'm sorry about Jane passing away, my thoughts are still with you as I have no doubt she is also still with you, in one of the best places called memories. (((Hugs)))
Merry Christmas to you and your family, I wish you great memories for the day.
I hope your Christmas was wonderful. Hugs upon hugs for you hon'. What beautiful girlies you have! ;) C.
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