The sun has returned... hopefully to stay for a long visit. We had a passing shower today, but it went on about it's business. It was a heavy downfall, so the kids in kindergarten all got a huge laugh out of it. It's amazing what will set their little hearts a blaze!
Thank you all for your prayers and kindness regarding my brother in law's passing. I neglected to mention that he leaves behind a beautiful wife and three young children, so they need those prayers more than ever.
Only two and a half more days of school... but who's counting?
Really, though... this year has simply flown by. It's been the most fun I've had in the six years I've been at this school, and I will miss many faces over the summer. Things are very hectic right now. Today I finally got in to meet with our principal and spend and hour going over paperwork and information to become recertified by the state. Glad that part is over, now I can rest a bit easier. We also had our all school performance (teachers included) to honor our principal, as she is retiring after this year. Our Opera House holds 800 people and it was filled all the way up to half of the balacony. We all sang our hearts out, and my little kinder girlie was a huge star... I honestly didn't know if she'd make it up there once she saw all those people! She scares very easily.. but she did it and I was extremely proud of her. (My daughter's class sang a beautiful song as well, and did sign language to it and everyone was crying... :::SNIFF:::) So it was a major event after a LOT of hard work and rehearsals. Thank goodness the weather held out!
So it's almost time to wind down... almost time to take a deep breath and just "be still". School is just about over. Softball is over. Back to working part time for a while.... I can handle it. REALLY, don't worry about ME! hehe. I'll just get some much needed therapy on the beach, listening to the waves crash as boats sputter by... it'll be okay...
Wishing you all a happy day with many more to come! Michelle
Never worry about you because I never forget whose you are. I am sorry to hear about yoru brother-in law's passing hon. I have been sick for over a month so got way behind on journals. Will keep his wife and children in prayer - and you too!
huge hugs,
boy i remember kindergarden i used to hate when it rained
I'm sorry for your bil and his family. How awful. The retirement at the opera house sounded great. Good for your little one for singing.
I'm sorry to read about your brother in law's death. It breaks my heart to know kids have lost their father. You and your family is in my prayers.
I look forward to reading more of your journal. Thank you for the comments in mine. I'm adding you to my favorites.
The sun has arrived at a wonderful and much-needed time. I hope it stays in your days - and in your life - for a long, long time to come.
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