Sunday, July 16, 2006

"HEY! Are you alright out there??"

One of my favorite things about summer is spending time at the lake.  We have many small lakes in this area within a half hour, and we visit each one 2 or 3 times a week.  I love to sprawl out on a lawn chair with a good book and read the same paragraph about 5 times while I diligently watch the girls splashing and swimming about.  They are also very gifted sand castle creators.  I also love to just close my eyes and feel the sun warm my skin while the breeze of a soft, soothing wind makes my hair tickle my face.  This relaxing sensation will often put me in a bit of a trance, to say the least...

So, let me tell you about "The Zone".

My MOST favorite thing to do at the lake, is swim out... really far.  Often times my girls will follow ~ thank goodness they are strong swimmers ~ and then they will venture back in to rest their legs and play with other kids.  (This particular day, we were with about 8 other families from church, so I felt comfortable venturing out a bit longer, as you'll soon see..)  I will stay out and swim until I can't swim anymore.  Not a hard, "crawl"... I'm not that proficient a swimmer!  I just move my arms and legs in slow, rhythmic motions... the breast stroke, I guess it's called.  When finally my body becomes weak and my breathing heavy, I will turn over and float...  for a REALLY long time.  I close my eyes and let the water run over my face and fill my ears.  I LOVE to just float on the surface of the water, letting my arms and legs move ever so slightly, as not to disrupt the smoothness.  This is when I once again enter "The Zone".  A sort of meditative state, I suppose, although I have always disliked the word "meditate."  It just sounds odd to me.  And I say "The Zone" with a bit of humor, as that is what my meditative state became after about 10 minutes.

"HEY!  Are you alright out there?"

I heard a voice from somewhere amidst my dreamlike state...

Oh dear me...

They thought I was dead.

How embarrassing!

I swam myself upright and came face to face with one of the other moms. 

"I was coming out to save you!  We were very concerned about you out here...  You didn't look right after about 10 minutes!  You must have been in 'The Zone'." 

WELL,  yes I was, thank you very much.  My face turned three shades of red.  Thank goodness my girls were laughing hysterically from the entrance of their sand castle.  They just know how I love to entertain... 

I think I'll stick to the safety of my lawn chair from now on.

Hope your weekend was spent in your own "happy place" (which is what I prefer to call it!!)



Anonymous said...

I've been in my zone for over a week now and I would rather just stay there, but life goes on.  ::sigh::  Waaa....


Anonymous said...

The zone sounds wonderful, but my goodness, I could see how that could cause some alarm! Be careful out there!!

P.S. I like your new picture in the sidebar.

Anonymous said...

I love the zone. LOL. So happy you love to entertain.

Anonymous said...

I think the others were just jealous - but nice they checked-up on you anyway!  May you always have The Zone and peace for your soul, Michelle - we all need it at times.


Anonymous said...

I get into that zone when I go to my sisters, and it's just her and I on rafts in her pool.  I totally zone out.  I love the feel of the water, and the sun, and hot breeze on my face.  Sometimes it's kind of cool (the breeze), if my face is a bit wet.  Oh, I know all about that zone thing.. oh yes I do!

Zone out girl!  Who cares where you are!  Be thankful you are relaxed enough to go there! :)


Anonymous said...

I love floating too; have ever since I learned to swim at age eight. It is so relaxing. Your entry has me wanting to head for the coast. Would, but it will have to wait till Johnny is up to it.