Sunday, July 2, 2006

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely
and with too high a spirit
to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today was spent driving my oldest daughter, Amanda to church camp up in the White Mountains...  Good heavens, it is beautiful here in NH.  Growing up, my home and all it's surrounding beauty was taken for granted.  My adolescent mind and body couldn't WAIT to get the ::bleep:: out of here!  I was headed straight for the city... or so I thought.  When I moved close enough to the city to get a glimpse of the other side of the fence, I was never so happy to return home once again.

Anyway, on to camp...

I could not believe how much the "kids" in her group have grown.  Three of the boys are taller than their cabin unit leader by a foot.  I can't pretend that it doesn't concern me a little... the coed bunking.  My little girl with a bunch of teenage boys for a week.  The only thing that lessens my worries is that the unit leader also brings his WIFE with him, and Amanda is bunking right above her!  Also, this is a great group of kids, and they have been together for camp and choir/bells for years and have a nice bond... hopefully it doesn't become TOO nice any time soon.  So, she's away for a week... I'm thinking niiiice.  NO battles to referee, or boredom whines.  And yet, of course, I can't help but have started missing her as soon as we started driving back down the mountain.  She's still my baby girl, as much as she hates to hear me say that.  I will say it forever.  Her sister, of course, spent her bedtime crying as I rubbed her back and sang her to sleep... poor thing.  She is so sweet and sensitive, and feels everything so deeply.  God bless her. 

Tomorrow I will be heading back to school.  I am running a summer short program in the mornings with another teacher.  We're having the parent orientation in the afternoon.  It's a small group, some of whom I worked with this year (my little kinder ~ YEH!) and others who are new.  I'm looking forward to being productive again, even if it is just a few hours in the morning three days a week...  This program will be very important for these kiddos over the summer, to keep them on a steady learning pace.  It'll keep me on my toes as well.  I'm also taking two workshops over the summer to better prepare for a new math curriculum we are adopting as a district this year.  It's called Math Trailblazers, and it looks pretty interesting.  I certainly hope it is, for the kid's sake.. AND the teacher's!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and if I'm late in posting, happy 4th of July to everyone...  Blessings!



Anonymous said...

Happy 4th, honey. I have read, just not always left comments as often as I once did.  The arthritis in my hands bothers me nowadays.
Hugs, love & prayers too,

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful 4th!  My youngest is also a baby that feels things VERY deeply ... she is VERY sensative ... I wonder who she is gonna do in her first year of preschool this year.  On the flip side, she a major drama queen too!  LOL


Anonymous said...

You are blessed to touch the lives of many, to be a positive influence in so many lives - for your girls, for your students, for all of us here.  Please know how much you are appreciated - and how we wish that all the blessings you bestow on others will be returned to you.


Anonymous said...

well you have a great 4th. Have fun at school.