Sunday, October 15, 2006



I found out a few days ago that a friend of mine from church has been missing since Monday night.  It's obviously very worrisome, given the weather and the time that has gone by.  I don't imagine there will be a very good outcome, but of course I am praying for one and hoping that perhaps she has simply gone off for a few days by herself.  This just doesn't seem likely, since she had last spoken with her daughter on Monday night and they have a good relationship.  Janelle wouldn't just leave.  I've volunteered to help out with the search, and will (hopefully) temporarily be taking her place on the missions committee, which was/is always a big part of who she is and I felt honored that I would be asked to carry this on for her while she's gone.  She always gave to others her time and her heart.  It was she who came out to "save" me when I floated out alone in the water too long.  Remember "the zone" entry?! That whole day we visited, long into the evening.  We played beach ball with all the kids and she even spent time taking my kids out to play the games during the BBQ so that I could relax.  I remember thinking how thoughtful and caring she always is.  She helps build Habitat For Humanity houses in the area.  She is ALWAYS looking out for others.  And now she is lost.  She is alone.  I pray that she knows that God is with her.  May she feel His comforting arms around her.  I pray that she comes home soon.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your friend.  this is so alarming!  I wish you all luck with your search and you are all in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I'll never understand why the "good" ones get lost or die.   I hope she is found soon...truly.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your friend.  I hope things turn out ok and she is found safe and healthy very soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope everything turns out ok. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

If the search continues, you might try asking for a photo to put here and a number to call if anyone has information. Tammy

Anonymous said...

OHhhh this is not good :( I hope everything turns up okay. How old is she and when and where was she last seen at?? Anything they know????? Keep us up to date and I will keep her in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! Praying that it turns out to be a good outcome....
