Monday, July 2, 2007

Monday Musings

Well, the girls made it through the week and are now home safe and sound.  Surprisingly, so did I!  It was 5 days filled with mixed emotions ~ some good, some not so good.  It helped, that they kept in close touch, calling several times a day to fill me in on all their excitement.  That was probably the what saved me, knowing that they were happy and enjoying their time with their dad.  It made ME happy for them and with them.  They took a lot of pictures (using a disposable "film" camera.. didn't know they still existed!), and they have a DVD of themselves riding in a roller coasterMailee went on her very first "upside down" ride called "The Inverter."  She also had one of her (many) dreams come true, visiting The American Girl Doll Store in NYC.  I was so thrilled for her.  They truly did have a wonderful time, and it helped me to relax through the week and sleep soundly (somewhat) through the night knowing that they were safe and happy each day.

For the most part, I valued my time alone.  I tried to fill it with activities that I enjoy ~ lounging by the pool, visiting the lake, dining out with friends and enjoying a good movie.  I also found a job working one on one with a little boy who has been diagnosed with Autism.  I have some experience with Autism, and most certainly have the training, but each child who lives with this disease does so differently.  He is three years old, non-verbal, quite lively ::grin:: and appears very happy in the summer daycare program where I will be working with him in August.  I'm looking forward to working one on one again, as I have been away from this type of intense, focused work for a year now.  It's always so rewarding working with children who face challenges far beyond the "normal" challenges of being a kid, and seeing their faces light up as they overcome them and achieve their goals.

I've also been called back a few times for the catering position that I was hired for during the summer months.  Again, a lot of work, but worth the effort!  I get out, I meet new people, I make money and I eat well!  I highly recommend it!


One sour note ~ with a twinge of sweet:  My cat Fluffy was diagnosed with Diabetes.  He's so fluffy (obviously) that although I was noticing that he appeared to be losing some weight, it was not so obvious how much.  He's always happy, but last week I noticed he was just lying around all the time and not his usual self.  I took him to the vet and he had lost half his body weight from last year, going from 15 to 8 lbs.  After the usual testing that they do, it was found that his blood sugar was over 500.  Normal levels for cats (and humans, I might add) is 75-150.  So, obviously some loving care is in order.  Insulin pills are far less expensive then injections, and after looking online, I found many Fancy Feast varieties that are low carb (even more so than the prescription varieties), and while Fancy Feast is an expensive brand of cat food, it is HALF the price of the Rx food.  So, while I am sad that my kitty has been suffering, and I worry for his furry future, the sweet is that we are able to treat and care for him and will simply have to adjust his "fluffstyle" accordingly!  He's currently snuggling up with Mailee on the couch, purring away...  At least I think it's him that I hear!

I wish you all a peaceful and week filled with smiles and happy memories!

Thank you D, for the beautiful tag!






Anonymous said...

Sounds like the girls had a good time with dad.  I know it must have been rough for you to be without them, but it is good for all of you that they spent some time with their dad.  You got some (I'm sure) much needed time to yourself.  Sounds like you made some money, which is never a bad thing.  I am sorry about Fluffy, but it sounds like this will be easy to control...lets hope so.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the girls had such a good time. I'd love to see that American Girl store!! I know you had to have missed them terribly!
Sorry about your kitty. I had a friend who's cat was diabetic. We'd give him a shot each morning. He got to where he didn't even mind.  I hope it's easy for you to treat him.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your girls had a great time with their dad. Be glad that he wants to spend time with them. Our dad is to busy with his girlfriends kids to worry about his own.
The roller coaster sounds awesome and so does the AG doll store.. I'm an adult (I think) and I'd love to see that store.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle: good to hear from you. I have been so busy I am so behind on my alerts and have not written an entry in my own journal in I don't know how long!!!
I am so happy for the girls; that they had an enjoyable visit with their Dad. And also happy that you had some "me" time for yourself; good luck with the job working with the little boy.
So you went to visit the lake?? MY Lake??? bet it was refreshing...heading your way the end of the month.
Have a wonderful holiday with your girls!! Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm delighted you took the time you had for yourself to enjoy it somewhat. My daughter owned one the American Girl Dolls when she was little. She loved the books that came with them as well. Sounds like your up to the challenge of working with the little boy with autism. There is something to be said to be able to get a glimpse into their world and see them smile and enjoy themselves. Sorry to hear about Fluffy having diabetes, although thankful you were able to catch it in time, before he suffered more than he already had. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Fluffy but with your loving care the cat will flourish for sure. I am glad work is going well.....and i understand how you felt when the girls went away with their dad. It can almost break a moms heart.
XO lj

Anonymous said...

Just found your J, through a friends. I will  be back, and adding you to alerts.
I'm glad your girls had a nice visit. I agree with the camera...i thought we were all in a digital world. LOL

Take care
Tricia...feel free to stop by anytime