Sunday, June 12, 2005

Lazy weekends....

Ahhhhh.  I love weekends.  The best part is that soon everyday will be like a weekend.  Okay, I know I'm rubbing it in.  I must admit, I really do love my job.  I work with special ed. students who struggle daily and working with these incredible children is very fulfilling, but yes the summers...they are SUCH an added benefit!  It's not that I don't want to be at school.  I miss it when I have to be home sick or with my own kids when they aren't well.  I just LOVE being home with my kids.  Yes, they fight.  They drive me crazy with their love/hate relationship.  But it's getting alittle easier as they get older.  It's so nice to just wake up and say, "So!  What are we going to do today?"  Not "Hurry up and eat your breakfast so you can get to the sitter!"  The benefits far outweigh the lower pay.  I know I couldn't do this work if I were on my own - Thanks, honey.  I don't say it enough.

We went to the lake today with Mom.  A brought a friend who is moving when school ends.  This is a very close friend of hers that she met in a summer preschool program when she was 3.  M.R. was adopted from China and so beautiful and lively it was a miracle!  8 years later they are still best buds.  This friend went through an unimaginably difficult time starting 3 years ago when her mother was diagnosed with cancer.  Through 2 years of treatments including chemo, radiation, surgery (was there anything they didn't take?)her daughter watched her mom slowly slip away.  When she suffered a stroke after having her spleen removed, it was a long year and a half of suffering.  She passed away last year.  We are sad that our friend is moving away, but she will be closer to other family members.  This is a sad story, but I know she will be ok.  She has a wonderful family who loves her dearly.  We sure will miss her!:(

Well, I am going to cut this short.  I have to make lunches for school tomorrow.  I hope you all are having a warm, lazy weekend.  They really are the best!  xoxo


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just stopped by to say hello. Took time to read a little more of your journal. I read it all the time but don't alway comment. Think I will from now on. Like what I read. Barb-