Friday, August 26, 2005

Understanding it now..

For a while now, as some of you may have noticed, I've been feeling the Blahs.  After my follow up visit with my Doc today, I could kick myself for not paying enough attention to my health. 

A few months ago, I could not, for the life of me, find my Rx for my Thyroid condition.  Being the busy mom that I am, one that very rarely worries about herself, I pretty much blew it off...all the while, in the back of my head, knowing that I shouldn't be.  I have never taken very good care of myself, which is ridiculous because I AM a mom and I want to be here for them until I am 103 (at least).  Yet, I let myself go, putting off thoughts of MY health, only making sure that the girls get to their Dr/Dentist/Ortho/Karate/Music/ things.  In the meantime, my Thyroid level has spiraled out of wack once again, of course.  Even more than it was initially.  It seems that any normal person would be collapsing at my current level.  It is no wonder that I feel like shit.  Normal Thyroid levels are around I am at a level of 48.  In the event that you are feeling very tired but can't sleep, you're out of sorts and forgetting what you're doing on a regular basis, you're hair is falling out when you wash it, you're skin is very dry and you feel cold all the time....get tested!  PLEASE!  This is also why I can't lose weight and have no desire to exercise! 

I must now remain on top of this, I know, if I am going to want to stay on top of things.  I go back to work next position has gone from a 1:1 Special Education Para to a 1:6 SEP.  I am definetely going to need my energy back by then!!!

In other news....Mailee recieved her green belt yesterday after a long, hard 2 hour test!!  YEH!  She has worked so hard and Karate has given her such confidence.  Congrats, hon!!



Anonymous said...

You're right, you must take care of yourself for the good of your family. That is something I've only recently understood and that is why I'm losing weight. I notice you like Jodi Picoult novels - I've just bought "My Sister's Keeper" and am really looking forward to it (just a question of finding the time now!) Thanks for visiting my journal. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Us Moms, we let ourselves fall to the bottom of the priority list so easily. I hope your feeling better and SOON. Please take care and congrats to your daughter, that is wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

Hi!  I came looking for your bio-poem and can't find it!  I'll be back Monday...  so if you wanna leave me another link I'll put it in Poetry dance..  thanks for dropping by!

Anonymous said...

WOW  Congrats to Mailee for receiving her green belt.. quite an accomplishment and something to be very proud of.
Now YOU take care of yourself so you have many many more years to enjoy all these special moments in your childrens lives.